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Freitag, 20. September 2019, 20:34

Forenbeitrag von: »anubisgod70«

FunClub Azeroth sucht Mitstreiter

Zitat von »MeisterGinxD« Zitat von »anubisgod70« Do you guys accepted non germans because i'd like to join ig: Astronaar Hello I´m Guildlead and this guild is closed. sorry

Freitag, 20. September 2019, 19:48

Forenbeitrag von: »anubisgod70«

LF Guild

Hallo! My German isn't very good but, i'd like to join a casual guild that does 5 mans mainly so i can make friends and run dungeons preferably i'd like them to have a Discord so i can join voice Danke!

Freitag, 20. September 2019, 19:39

Forenbeitrag von: »anubisgod70«

FunClub Azeroth sucht Mitstreiter

Do you guys accepted non germans because i'd like to join ig: Astronaar

Dienstag, 17. September 2019, 13:03

Forenbeitrag von: »anubisgod70«

Fremdsprachiger Chat

Zitat von »zadro« You wont have any problems I played there for 2 years speaking english ! So people won't get upset if i speak English is world? Cos i don't mind having a separate English channel being made for me since it is your server after all...

Sonntag, 15. September 2019, 16:49

Forenbeitrag von: »anubisgod70«

Fremdsprachiger Chat

Guten Abend, Mein deustche ist schlecht... So i'll be writing the rest of this post in English I do apologise but, I read a reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/wowservers/comm…ade_pve_server/ The guy there said that you don't have to speak German in order to play and i read your rules (albeit through google translate) and i don't think anywhere it says you have to speak German. If i'm mistaken then I'll go elsewhere but, i was wondering is there an in-game chat channel for foreign languages? Si...