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  • »Schakaqt« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 46

Registrierungsdatum: 22.11.2013

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Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015, 12:47

ArenaLive für TBC 2.4.3

Disclaimer: Keine Lust das zu übersetzen.
These are NOT PvE based unitframes. They are meant for PvP. Use in PvE at your own risk.

Hey guys,

I originally backported ArenaLive unitframes to TBC in 2013, but never got around to fixing some of the bugs. So I never felt like promoting it much. However, I got around to fixing those bugs.
Keep in mind, this is a backport of the 2013 version. It's NOT a backport of WoD's ArenaLive. This means not all the functionality is available, but the port was much easier to do (additionally, I had already started it in 2013).

I might eventually look into backporting the current version of this addon, but overall customization is already allowing the user pretty much everything he might want to do.

Download here


Different icons for different cooldowns:

Es haben sich bereits 4 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.

Benutzer die sich bedankten:

Chompa, itslovelol, Nathal, Tollw00t



Beiträge: 425

Registrierungsdatum: 26.09.2010

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Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015, 14:25

Genau was ich brauche! Vielen Dank für die ganze Zeit, die du für deine AddOns aufbringst :)