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  • »anubisgod70« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 5

Registrierungsdatum: 15.09.2019

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Sonntag, 15. September 2019, 16:49

Fremdsprachiger Chat

Guten Abend,

Mein deustche ist schlecht...

So i'll be writing the rest of this post in English I do apologise but, I read a reddit post


The guy there said that you don't have to speak German in order to play and i read your rules (albeit through google translate) and i don't think anywhere it says you have to speak German. If i'm mistaken then I'll go elsewhere but, i was wondering is there an in-game chat channel for foreign languages? Since my language is English that would be considered foreign for you. If not then could i start one?



Beiträge: 49

Registrierungsdatum: 10.10.2015

Wohnort: Split / Berlin

Hauptcharakter: Zadrox

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Sonntag, 15. September 2019, 18:56

You wont have any problems I played there for 2 years speaking english !



  • »anubisgod70« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 5

Registrierungsdatum: 15.09.2019

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Dienstag, 17. September 2019, 13:03

You wont have any problems I played there for 2 years speaking english !
So people won't get upset if i speak English is world? Cos i don't mind having a separate English channel being made for me since it is your server after all...


Dienstag, 17. September 2019, 13:16

this is a german community and a lot of them can understand english, but not all. so try it.
Beste Grüße

und weitere . . .



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Registrierungsdatum: 04.03.2014

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Gilde: mag glitzernde Einhörner

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Samstag, 21. September 2019, 13:34

Understand ≠ speak tho :D
Just dont know if its worth playing on a server, where you dont really understand whats happening. Even for LookingForGroup Chat, since many people use the german words for specs, classes, raids etc.
But if you are up for it, go for it and good luck :)




Beiträge: 422

Registrierungsdatum: 10.05.2019

Hauptcharakter: Kell

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Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2019, 04:47

In the WoW - Community there are so many words that are adapted from both, english - german and vice versa.
I don't think that you will have to much of a stuggle to communicate with a decent amount of players on this server at all.

Just consider that regardless of the english skills that most germans do have, it'll be more difficult to communicate certain requirements for raids and groups. It will be inevitable for you to clearly communicate with raid leaders that you need more specific or detailed explanations in their raids in order to fufill the job you may be appointed to.

Other than that, I think it will be a great opportunity to learn some German, although it will be a "gamer-German", you can always learn something new. :)

If you got any questions of any kind, please don't hesitate contacting me ingame.
Although I am a native german speaker I live in the United States and might have some tips and answers to some of your questions that might rise up at some point.

Welcome to the Server and the Community !!


+coffee+ +fish+