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Mini Online Stats Charaktere Online: 106 (Allianz: 45 | Horde: 61)
Östliche Königreiche: 4 | Kalimdor: 4 | Scherbenwelt: 57 | Instanzen: 41
Server Uptime: 24 Tage 7 Stunden 56 Minuten

Achwat70AnzuSelbsthilfeGruppe Shattrath
Akahime65New Hope Wälder von Terokkar
Alinara70out of order
Anamaretto70out of order
Anaravenclaw70Hogwarts Quel'Danas
Angarnost70Herzblut Nethersturm
Apfeltasche70Trinity Nethersturm
Arialua70New Hope Nagrand
Asrath70Strangers with candy [L]
Azræl70out of order
Babbelbenni70AgaiNst Quel'Danas
Belveth29New Hope Orgrimmar
Borntobuff70out of order Quel'Danas
Borxum70Herzblut Nethersturm
Bruuno70out of order
Bärsärkärbär70Fame [L] Quel'Danas
Caspien70Smokin Aces Nethersturm
Cchopper70out of order
Colabunker58Bankus Maximus [L] Schlingendorntal
Curtcobain70out of order
Dawina70Knights of the Blood Shattrath
Debian70New Hope [h]
Degurechaff70out of order
Delanne70United Nethersturm
Deshoke70Immer Druff [L] Zangarmarschen
Druckluft70The Lost Souls Nethersturm
Egghead70Herzblut Nethersturm
Eiseisbaby70Phantomcomando Nethersturm
Eluriani70New Hope Schattenmondtal
Erdbeermund70Smokin Aces Nethersturm
Fellnase70Trinity Schattenmondtal
Fischii70out of order
Hajeeses70Trinity Nethersturm
Haveaniceday70out of order
Hexotrix70Trinity Nethersturm
Holyhoney70Herzblut Quel'Danas
Honigmobil70out of order [L]
Hârgrimm70New Hope [h]
Hüftgold70out of order
Imbaatank70F E A R Nethersturm
Isandru70Shadow und Keks Nethersturm
Jeckop70New Hope Shattrath
Kaayalin70Trinity Nethersturm
Kittekat70Bud Spencer Fanboys [L] Shattrath
Klobberella70out of order
Kyrel70New Hope Schattenmondtal
Lisdra70out of order Quel'Danas
Marktwo70out of order
Marsl70Herzblut Shattrath
Mazika70New Hope Nethersturm
Meleemeter70Herzblut Shattrath
Minicoco70Schlüpferstürmer Shattrath
Mutig70Adjektivwörterbuch Quel'Danas
Mystikè70New Hope [h]
Neb70Gefährten des Feuers Shattrath
Niiz70Deadlift Quel'Danas
Nopovers70Ministry of Silly Walks Nethersturm
Ordani70PlusMinus Tanaris
Ossla70Trinity Nethersturm
Ovidianus70out of order
Pappalappap70Huppe nei hui Nethersturm
Parsalian70Knappen der Allianz Nethersturm
Pensa70New Hope Nagrand
Plaguebloom70out of order Shattrath
Proshac70out of order
Pushpop70AnzuSelbsthilfeGruppe Shattrath
Rantuss70PlusMinus Quel'Danas
Revelio70Knappen der Allianz Nethersturm
Roccaty70out of order
Rocksn70out of order
Rubbeldiekat70New Hope Nagrand
Sanshin70New Hope [h]
Sherrie43Knappen der Allianz Schlingendorntal
Skylex62Immer Druff Zangarmarschen
Sniperdetlef49Recken der Horde Krater von Un'Goro
Soueii62F E A R Höllenfeuerhalbinsel
Spikediez70Trinity Nethersturm
Spikeone70Trinity Nethersturm
Survand70New Hope [h]
Tjold70Pangaea Nethersturm
Tobedose70out of order
Torno70Herzblut Nethersturm
Träumchen70Sternenwandler Nethersturm
Tyrandia70New Hope Nethersturm
Ued70New Hope Shattrath
Vir66Dead or Alive Shattrath
Wentzel70out of order
Wespeli70New Hope Shattrath
Xenja70out of order
Zaddel16Knappen der Allianz Westfall
Zatopekk70New Hope Shattrath
[L] - Gilden-Leiter
[h] - heroischer Modus